I am an ardent believer in the potential of the human mind and in the power of psychology to heal and actualize it. I am a professional Clinical Psychologist (Ph.D., M. Phil and Masters in Clinical Psychology with distinction.I have nearly 20 years of experience in various dimensions of the field such as diagnostics and assessment, counselling and psychotherapy, teaching and training, research presentation, workshops and community health, and inputs in the mass media. I have worked with clients, both individuals and families with varying psychiatric diagnoses, mental health issues and life challenges ranging from schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorder to marital, parental, work stress and crises intervention. I have special interest, training and experience in Post trauma stress disorders. My doctoral thesis was a control study comparing intervention effectiveness with post trauma stress disorders.My versatile experience in various setting such as psychiatric hospitals, University, private practice, specialty counselling centers, family court clinics and corporate EAP has enriched my ability to positively impact clients from all walks of life. As one of the few senior EMDR consultants and facilitators in my home country, I have worked extensively with community outreach programs in earthquake and Tsunami impacted regions. My nearing 20 years of experience using EMDR with clients has endowed me with the ability to make a huge difference in a short amount of time.My contributions to the psychological fraternity include presenting over 15 research paper presentations in international conferences, mental health camps, and designing promotional material for generating greater awareness and mitigating stigma attached to accessing psychological services.
4603 hazel street apt 1102, burnaby, British Columbia, , V5H4N1
Phone: 604 5951542
Email: info@powerfulinsightspsychologist.com
Population Served:
How EMDR is Offered:
Areas of Expertise:
Attachment Focussed
Eating Disorders
Grief & Bereavement
Medical Trauma
Panic Attacks
Road Traffic Accidents
Social Anxiety