I am a Registered Clinical Social Worker and have graduated with a Master of Social Work from University of Toronto. I have worked for the last 19 years in the field of mental health counselling. I am experienced in treating a diversified population with multiple...
Tracy has been in the counselling field for 25 years. In addition to her private practice, her employment history and experience includes working in hospital Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centres for over 13 years, as well as providing counselling in a...
I am an EMDR Certified Therapist and I have been working in the field of intimate partner violence for over 13 years. Many of the clients I serve have histories of complex relational trauma including family of origin abuse, neglect, and attachment injury, as well as...
Catherine Petit, Lic. C. Psych., exerce en psychologie interculturelle et en clinique des traumatismes psychiques. Elle offre des services de psychothérapie adaptés aux besoins des immigrants, réfugiés, diplomates et militaires. Catherine Petit a séjourné dans...