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Join EMDR Canada!

If you are an EMDR therapist in Canada, we are here for you. Join EMDR Canada to connect with professionals from across the country, build your practice, and shape the future of EMDR in your community, country, and the world.





When you join EMDR Canada, your details are sent to EMDRIA and we pay part of your EMDR Canada membership fee, to EMDRIA, so that you can become an Affiliate member of EMDRIA. This gives you all of the benefits of a full EMDRIA membership (except voting rights). Check out the details of an EMDRIA membership here

Important Points About Joining EMDR Canada 

New membership applications to join EMDR Canada are now processed every quarter only. The months for joining are as follows:

  • December (to join for January the next year)
  • March
  • June
  • September

New EMDR Canada membership applications will only be processed during these months.

It is not possible to join EMDR Canada during any other month of the year.

The membership fee to join EMDR Canada is C$200 – this fee is not prorated if you join EMDR Canada in March, June or September (the full C$200 membership fee is due).

Payment of membership dues is non-refundable.

Your EMDR Canada annual membership runs from the time you join until December 31st of the year you join. Renewals of your EMDR Canada membership take place on January 1st each year.

Your EMDRIA Affiliate membership runs from the time of your EMDRIA Affiliate membership activation until December 31st each year. Please note that when you join EMDR Canada or renew your membership, there is a slight delay until your EMDRIA membership is activated. EMDRIA will contact you directly by email about your EMDRIA membership.

As an EMDRIA Affiliate member, you have access to the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research.

Log in to your EMDRIA member account to access the journal online or to purchase a yearly subscription to receive a printed copy of each issue.

Please note the Eligibility Requirements for EMDR Basic Training, as set down by EMDRIA. This outlines the professionals who may apply for EMDR Basic Training. This determines EMDR Canada membership eligibility. If your profession is not listed, you are ineligible for EMDR Canada membership. If your profession is listed, you must have the correct qualification level, level of scope, or specialization (for example, see the requirements for advanced practice registered nurses).

More specific details relating to Canada can be found in the EMDR Canada Approved Regulatory Bodies document, available for download here. To be eligible for EMDR Canada membership, your profession needs to be listed and must meet the correct level/scope/specialisation. If you have any queries about this, please email the EMDR Canada Professional Affairs Committee at


EMDR Canada membership categories

Even though all standard EMDR Canada membership fees are C$200, we want to ensure that we list you correctly in our EMDR Canada Therapist Directory. For example, as a Basic Trained EMDR Therapist, or an EMDR Certified Therapist, an EMDR Consultant or an EMDR Trainer.

Please join EMDR Canada as a member at your highest level of EMDR qualification. For example, if you are an EMDR Consultant, then please click on the EMDR Consultant link to join, and please upload your in date EMDRIA Consultant certificate.

Please check your understanding of the different categories of an EMDR Therapist, to ensure that you apply for the correct category of EMDR Canada membership. Check your understanding on EMDRIA’s website here.

When you apply for EMDR Canada membership, you need to provide the following:

  • Basic Trained EMDR Therapist – your EMDRIA Approved EMDR Training certificate in pdf format, noting the training hours and consultation hours. If any thing else is provided, your membership application will not be processed. Please note that an EMDRIA Approved Training certificate does not mean that you are an EMDR Certified Therapist. Please check your understanding of the distinctions here.
  • EMDR Certified Therapist – your EMDRIA Certified Therapist certificate in pdf format. This must be in date. Please do not supply a screenshot, or an EMDRIA badge or an EMDRIA receipt – if you provide any of these instead of the required certificate, your membership application will not be processed.
  • EMDR Consultant in Training – as there is no certificate for an EMDRIA Consultant in Training, we ask you to provide a screenshot from your EMDRIA membership page showing your Consultant in Training status or a pdf letter from your Consultant confirming that you are currently a Consultant in Training (the letter must be dated within the last six months). You also need to provide your EMDRIA Certified Therapist certificate (in date) in pdf format. If the required material is not submitted correctly, your membership application will not be processed.
  • EMDR Consultant – your EMDRIA Consultant Therapist certificate in pdf format. This must be in date. Please do not supply a screenshot, or an EMDRIA badge or an EMDRIA receipt – if you provide any of these instead of the required certificate, your membership application will not be processed.
  • EMDR Trainer – your EMDRIA Trainer certificate in pdf format. This must be in date. Please do not supply a screenshot, or an EMDRIA badge or an EMDRIA receipt – if you provide any of these instead of the required certificate, your membership application will not be processed.

If you supply incorrect information or an out-of-date certificate (for the categories of EMDR Certified Therapist, EMDR Consultant or EMDR Training), your membership will not be processed. Please ensure that your certificate is in pdf format and that it is in colour and that all details can be read. Please ensure that it is A4 or Letter page size and that it is in focus, and not blurred. Otherwise, your membership will not be processed. You will incur an administrative processing charge of $30.

Please check with us at if you have any questions or points you need to clarify, before you apply for membership.

Please contact us directly at if you wish to apply for Student membership or Retired membership.



Basic Trained EMDR Therapist

EMDR Certified Therapist

EMDR Consultant in Training

EMDR Consultant

EMDR Trainer