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Revolutionizing EMDR Therapy: An Interview with David Archer MSW, MFT

“Raising our racial consciousness allows people of all cultural backgrounds to be more fully equipped to stop the trauma of racism. Let us have courage, be open-minded, and move toward a better future.” These are among the opening words in David Archer’s book,...
Blog image for article on EMDR and anxiety,phobias, eating disorders and chronic pain

Beyond PTSD: Studies show EMDR can treat these conditions

This Teaser text goes here and it looks something like this but will be the real text for the news posting that this is all about. It will be interesting and people will read it

Woman standing on arrows, decdng between different forms of EMDR

Can I do EMDR without eye movement?

Despite the name “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing” therapy, eye movement is not a necessary part of EMDR. Tactile and auditory stimulation are also well-researched and proven options, making EMDR therapy more accessible to people with varying needs,...