Carolyn Charleyboy

EMDR Basic Training Membership

Denisiqi Services Society

Sid seghuzi Carolyn Charleyboy (h)an. My name is Carolyn Charleyboy.Ervin belh Jean Charleyboy besqi nesdlin. OR Ervin chuh Jean gubesqi nesdlin. I am a child of Ervin and Jean.Se?intsu Nellie Charleyboy gilhi belh Thelma Fairfeild gilhi (h)an. My late grandmothers are Nellie Charleyboy and Thelma Fairfield.Se?intsi Andy Charleyboy gilhi belh Roger Fairfeild gilhi (h)an. My late grandfathers are Andy Charleyboy and Roger Fairfield.Sid Tŝilhqot’in desni, Tŝidedel ghiẑed. I am a Tsilhqot’in person, from Tsideldel (Redstone). Sid Williams Lake, BC sidah as. I currently live in Williams Lake, BC.I am Tŝilhqot’in (Chilcotin) and grew up in the community of Tŝideldel (Redstone) on my father’s ancestral land. I am a descendent of Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin) people, as well as English and Scottish settlers. I acknowledge that the land on which I am grateful to live and work is the ancestral and unceded Secwepemc (pronounced suh-Wep-muhc) territory. This place is also known as Williams Lake, BC.I have 8 years of post-graduate counselling experience, and am a Register Clinical Counsellor RCC), through the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC). I completed my undergraduate education at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and an M.Ed. in Counselling at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). I am committed to supporting communities and empowering individuals to make meaningful changes in their lives toward greater cultural connection, wellness, and healthy interdependence. I bring a uniquely informed Indigenous perspective to my clinical practice. I am trained and certified in Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy (IFOT) & Complex Trauma, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL). I have completed an EMDR Training Course for Integrating EMDR into Clinical Practice. Additionally, as both a certified Peacemaking Circle Keeper and Trainer, and a certified Community Justice Forum (CJF) Trainer and Facilitator, I am committed to the lived-values of Peacemaking and Restorative Justice.I honour Indigenous ways of knowing and being. As a mental health counsellor, I work with children and youth at an agency in service to Indigenous children and youth (5 – 18 years old), and their families. I have the pleasure of also working in the school setting and do both group and 1:1 work. Many individuals I work with experience intergenerational, historical trauma, and the effects of early trauma on their development. I use culture, land-based practices, movement and breath to support the individuals I work with, to grow in presence and comfort with their own sense of themselves in relation to others, nature and spirit. Sechanlayah (Thank you)!

240B North Mackenzie Avenue , Williams Lake, British Columbia, , V2G1N6

Phone: 250 3926500

Population Served:

Both Adults and Children & Adolescents



How EMDR is Offered:


Areas of Expertise:

Attachment Focussed
Grief & Bereavement