Daniella Sosdjan

EMDR Consultant Membership

 My psychotherapy roots began at the University of Pennsylvania under Aaron T. Beck’s guidance. I’ve developed my DBT skills under Dr. Hibbard, and my EMDR practice under Sharron Meredith and Roy’s Kiessling. I am grateful for having had the privilege of working with diverse clients’ presentations from different cultural backgrounds, as well as working with many clinicians with broad range of specializations. I’ve been involved in clinical practice, psychotherapy research, trainings, clinical supervision and consultation, and policy development.  Currently, I supervise therapists in three mental health clinics, and provide consultations to therapists in private practice.
I bring knowledge from Affective Neuroscience which greatly helps with EMDR case conceptualization, target sequencing, interweave selection, identifying cognitions, bilateral stimulation selection, working with attachment trauma and dissociation, and developing resilience and growth mind set. Consultees feel more at ease with EMDR practice and report having better clarity once they have this knowledge of how emotions and neural networks work and how to balance/reconsolidate them with EMDR.  I integrate EMDR with DBT, Somatic Experiencing, and IFS for clients with attachment trauma/complex PTSD. I am developing a workshop on the integration of EMDR and Affective Neuroscience which will launch in the spring. For info. on this, please email me at sosdjandaniella@gmail.com.

I am looking forward to our meeting. 

9499 137 Ave NW , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5E 5R8

Phone: (780) 6683548
Email: sosdjandaniella@gmail.com

Population Served:



How EMDR is Offered:


Areas of Expertise:

Attachment Focussed
EMDR Intensives
Panic Attacks
Road Traffic Accidents
Sexual Abuse
Social Anxiety