Lyne Piche

EMDR Certified Therapist Membership

Dr. Lyne Piché is a Registered Psychologist who has worked as a psychologist specializing in sexual issues for 25 years. Her graduate studies, research and work endeavours have been focused on improving sexual health for all individuals. Since 2009, she has provided sexual therapy, couples counselling, relationship counselling and trauma counselling in her private practice. Dr. Piché is an EMDRIA certified EMDR therapist. She is also a Forensic Psychologist who has provided both assessment and treatment in criminal justice settings. In 2023, she co-authored the book Working with Offenders who View Online Child Sexual Exploitation Images. She has given presentations related to sexuality, intimacy, sexual offending and risk assessment throughout her career. The intersection of ADHD and sexual therapy has been a particular interest of hers in recent years. Her new workbook – ADHD and Sex: A Workbook for Exploring Sexuality and Increasing Intimacy was published in 2024. For more information, please visit

suite 208 2630 Croydon Drive , Surrey, British Columbia, , V3Z 6T3

Phone: 778 5526747

Population Served:



English, French

How EMDR is Offered:

Both online and in-person

Areas of Expertise:

Sexual Abuse