EMDR Certified Therapist Membership
Private practice
I am passionate about helping people who have had psychological setbacks
become all they can be.
While I work well with clients of all ages, I especially enjoy helping adolescents
and young adults overcome negative past experiences and move with enhanced
potential into the future.
EMDR has been integrated into my psychotherapy practice since my basic training
was completed in 2002. Becoming a Certified EMDR therapist and maintaining this credential
since 2013 has enhanced my use of EMDR with a wide variety of issues.
Je me réjouis d’accompagner sur le chemin du rétablissement des personnes ayant vécu
un revers psychologique, de les amener a l’expression de leur plein potentiel.
Alors que je reçois des clients de tout âge, je prends un plaisir tout particulier a aider les
adolescents et les jeunes adultes a surmonter un vécu pénible pour évoluer vers un avenir
rempli de satisfactions.
L’approche EMDR fait partie de mes outils cliniques depuis 2002, moment ou j’ai suivi la
formation de base. Ayant obtenu en 2013 le titre de Thérapeute EMDR Certifié, je cherche
avec enthousiasme a connaître et a mettre a profit pour ma clientèle, toute nouvelle
adaptation du EMDR.
5459 Duquette , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4A 1J7
Phone: (514) 482-6046
Email: rosannebaatz@gmail.com
Population Served:
Both Adults and Children & Adolescents
How EMDR is Offered:
Both online and in-person
Areas of Expertise:
Eating Disorders
Grief & Bereavement
Panic Attacks
Physical Abuse
Road Traffic Accidents
Sexual Abuse
Social Anxiety