Shelley Hanna

EMDR Certified Therapist Membership

My experience as a psychologist lead me to be curious about EMDR. I trained in Basic EMDR in 2010 while working in various other psychology programs in the public sector as a consultant and treatment provider, until I decided it was time to take my experience into a whole new realm of private practice.Using developmental modalities for psychotherapy treatment of children and adolescents and assisting adults stuck in trauma, I discovered that EMDR brings a shift for so many, so often, quickly and effectively changing the horizon for clients, from night to day.I’ve continued to train in complex trauma presentation including early childhood developmental trauma, neuroscience, somatic therapies, attachment theory and completed the certification process with EMDRIA in 2022. I reach for excellence in my training and therapy with my clients, so you can shine your light on the planet again.

105-21 North Railway St , Okotoks, Alberta, , T1S 1J3

Phone: 403 4632152
Email: Shelleyhannapsychology@gmail,com

Population Served:

Both Adults and Children & Adolescents



How EMDR is Offered:

Both online and in-person

Areas of Expertise:

Attachment Focussed
EMDR Intensives
Physical Abuse
Road Traffic Accidents
Sexual Abuse