EMDR Certified Therapist Membership
I am passionate about helping my clients cultivate more presence and empowerment in their lives and access their wisdom and capacity for growth and healing. Using a holistic, client centered and collaborative approach, I will help support you as you navigate difficult life experiences with care and compassion.Letting yourself be vulnerable with a stranger can be scary, and I commend you for taking the first step in finding someone. I believe everyone has the capacity within them to grow. I use a variety of proven techniques (one is EMDR) to help promote your healing and achieve your goals.I have a Master of Education in Counselling with experience in the field since 2004. I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and am an EMDR Certified Therapist.I specialize in EMDR therapy (an alternative to talk therapy). My introduction to the field of trauma therapy began while working with survivors of sexual assault and historic sexual abuse. While EMDR is my primary treatment modality, I also incorporate CBT and mindfulness in my practice.My counselling experiences include treating depression and anxiety, trauma and recovery, grief counselling, stress reduction, life transitions and I have worked with adults, children, and youth. I currently work with adults.I am an author of 5 self help books. The latest one is the Caretaker, an adult fairy tale. This is my second adult fairy tale. Fairy Tale Method (FTMD):I am the creator of the Fairy Tale Method (FTMD). After my first adult fairy tale was released and appreciating the richness that fairy tales offer, I began to contemplate how to integrate fairy tales and EMDR. As a writer, I recognized the strengths and richness that fairy tales offer. And as an EMDR therapist, I witnessed firsthand, the power and efficiency of EMDR. Through closer examination, I concluded that they could complement one another. The Fairy Tale Method is the result of this creative endeavour. The creation of my client’s fairy tale through this method enables them to create their own fairy tale world that may reflect a familiar day-to-day one or a world that is not visible. It is through imagination that my clients get glimpses to meaning that is hidden from them in their ordinary world but visible in the depths of the fairy tale world. The fairy tale method (and by association my client’s fairy tale story) begins at the onset of their healing journey known as the history taking and preparation phases and continues through to processing. It concludes when all target memories associated with the difficult issue that brought them to therapy, have been successfully processed. Other enriching features of FTMD:• From the outset my client’s step into the role of the hero/heroine of their own fairy tale rather than the role of a victim or survivor. This role offers the right amount of emotional distance between themselves and their difficult issue.• At the heart of this method is transformation: it gives permission for my clients to see and believe that change is possible. It feeds their imagination to seek wonder, think strategically and to explore possibilities to overcome the obstacles that have been keeping them stuck. • It promotes resiliency and empowerment.• It is a gentle process.
2469 Pauline Street Unit 201, Abbotsford, British Columbia, , V2S 3S1
Phone: 236 3805616
Email: susan@susandoiron.ca
Population Served:
How EMDR is Offered:
Both online and in-person
Areas of Expertise:
Attachment Focussed
Grief & Bereavement
Panic Attacks
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Social Anxiety