Alexandra Clarysse

Alexandra Clarysse

I believe that each individual has unique experiences to share which impact how they see and are in the world. My focus is on collaboration and uncovering the strengths each individual already holds. Alexandra (Alex) Clarysse is a Registered Psychotherapist with the...
Peter Ciceri

Peter Ciceri

Peter Ciceri is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a focus on trauma – may it be single incident, developmental trauma, or complex trauma. As a certified First Responder Therapist, Peter works with First Responders as well as with adult clients experiencing a range...

Lisa Clendening

I have over 20 years experience teaching and counselling in community settings. I have over 12 years of clinical expertise treating a variety of mental health concerns, addictions, trauma, weight management, and body image issues. In addition to talk therapy, I use...