Alexandria Fernandes Hoyt

Alexandria Fernandes Hoyt

As a social worker for over 27 years in an outpatient mental health settings, I have supported children, youth and their families with a range of mental health struggles. Through my practice, I have witnessed the impact of hidden trauma in many of these individuals....

Cecile Mathieu-Cura

Je suis pédopsychiatre depuis 23 ans.En plus de mes études médicales et de spécialité en psychiatrie et pédopsychiatrie, je me suis régulièrement formée a différentes approches: psycho dynamique, TCC, TDC, EFT, EMDR, Méditation, Hypnose afin de développer des outils...

Nancy Anslow

I currently work with children and youth in a provincial mental health setting. I am basic trained with additional training in EMDR Sandtray. I am in the process of working toward certification.