Irene Peterson

Irene is a certified Level II EMDR Trauma Therapist, specializing in trauma resolution with children, teens, adults, seniors, and families. In addition to working with the general public, Irene has significant professional experience working within the healthcare,...
Jason Peterson

Jason Peterson

Jason holds a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BCAAC, has over 30 years of experience working with people experiencing mental health concerns and has received extensive training in treating complex trauma...

Catherine Petit

Catherine Petit, Lic. C. Psych., exerce en psychologie interculturelle et en clinique des traumatismes psychiques. Elle offre des services de psychothérapie adaptés aux besoins des immigrants, réfugiés, diplomates et militaires. Catherine Petit a séjourné dans...