Heather Lawlor

Growing up, I was always interested in people; I was told I was personable and a helper. I graduated with my Bachelors Arts Honors Program with Trent University in 2005, where I then worked with helping children and families from 2006 to 2018. I was grandfathered in...
Carrie Liske

Carrie Liske

Carrie Liske provides counselling in private practice online and in person at Red Canoe Pediatrics located in Nanaimo, BC. She supports people of all ages and neurotypes, specializing in trauma and anxiety. With over a decade of experience, Carrie brings a wide...

Michèle Lambin

Michèle Lambin, travailleuse sociale, psychothérapeute. Clinicienne, formatrice, superviseure, consultante et conférencière, elle a travaillé de nombreuses années en milieu hospitalier en pédopsychiatrie, en adopsychiatrie et auprès d’une clientèle adulte. Elle...