Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, grief, disturbed thoughts about past events? Do you worry about the future, your ability to trust your own judgement, your parenting, your relationship with your partner, or your performance at work? Do you feeling...
I am a psychologist working with children and youth aged newborn to young adulthood, and their families. I see clients working through a variety of concerns including anxiety, depression, trauma, emotion regulation/dysregulation, and grief. I also work collaboratively...
I have been practicing in the field of mental health for over 15 years, and I am at my absolute best when I am helping others. Nothing brings a bigger smile to my face then seeing a client laugh when they overcome another one of life’s big obstacles. After completing...
Catherine Petit, Lic. C. Psych., exerce en psychologie interculturelle et en clinique des traumatismes psychiques. Elle offre des services de psychothérapie adaptés aux besoins des immigrants, réfugiés, diplomates et militaires. Catherine Petit a séjourné dans...