Master level social worker with Post-master’s certification in Couple and Family Therapy. Connection is what I specialized in whether it be creating stronger connections in relationships, families or to one’s self. Basic EMDR does not speak to the...
I am Julie Barasevic and I specialize specifically in trauma therapy. I have my masters of social work (MSW) and I have been in private practice since 2017. I offer EMDR to my clients and I have seen the benefits of EMDR in their lives. Through the years I have taken...
pedopsychiatre formée en France,au quebec depuis 1990.formation psychanalytique, psychodrame, thérapie systémique, thérapie du choix, médecine chinoise traditionnelle. thérapeute certifiée EMDR en 2007et superviseure depuis 2009.en cours de formation avec polyvagal...